Monday 9 September 2024

Belgian Beer Weekend!

Although the Belgian Beer Weekend that set me off on this blog was at Brussels Grand Place 6-8th September (website), and we could only drink a few Belgian beers, not the hundreds that were available in Belgium, I was visiting my brother's to celebrate our birthdays, and would see one of my Belgian nieces too. So we had to do something relevant, our own mini festival.πŸ˜‰

We did other things over the weekend too, but did manage a different Belgian beer each day, first, an Abbey style beer brewed at Grimbergen, where the abbey was first built in 1128, and the monks started brewing later that year (website). This was their 6.7% Blonde, which has a sweet slightly toffee flavour at first, with a gentle hint of cloves, a smooth golden blonde with a much drier finish that completes a very nicely balanced beer, 'pretty good' I noted.

The beer Saturday was from a slightly newer Abbey brewery, where they've only been brewing since 1240 πŸ˜‰that is Leffe (website), and their 6.6% Blonde. Similar strength, and pretty much a go to beer for my brother Dan as it's very dependable. Hints of caramel and spices, notably more cloves than the Grimbergen, gentle bitterness too, balancing the beer with a slightly dry finish.πŸ‘

Our third Abbey style beer on Sunday was from St Feuillion (website), with a history going back to the 7th century, with it's own brewery too, but sadly soldiers of the French Revolution condemned the abbey in 1796 following Napoleon's invasion and annexation of Belgium. It was not until 1873 that Stephanie Friart took over the name at her own brewery, which was producing light beers, and not until after World War II that her descendants started brewing what we now more readily recognise as Abbey style beers.

With my birthday dinner prepared by Dan we had the stronger 7.5% St Feuillion Blonde, a deep golden colour with a wee bit more body. This is slightly maltier than the others mentioned above, and slightly more bitter, and having less spicy undertones. It was very pleasant with a dry finish, a pleasant accompaniment to dinner and end to my birthday weekend beers, cheers!🍻

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